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Creating Quiz

Each Quiz created using Composer/VR Studio may include one or two types of questions

1- Multiple Choice Question
2- Interactive Question

In a Multiple Choice Question the student needs to select the correct answer from any number of choices (from 2 for true/ false question, to any number of choices defined by the instructor).

In an Interactive Question the student should select the correct 3D model representing the correct answer. 

For the Quiz the teacher can determine the time limit for the student. If the student did not submit answers before this time, answers will be automatically submitted by the end time. The teacher has the option of keeping time open. 

VR Experiences can have one or multiple quizzes and/ or surveys. The teacher can determine when a quiz or survey is started, the VR Experience can show material then run a quiz, or it can start with a quiz of survey 

The following tutorial shows how to create a quiz using SimLab Composer/VR Studio: