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SimLab VR Studio
Scene States Menu
Capture Enables the user to capture different configurations for the selected 3D model(s) (Object Properties), or useful properties for the whole scene (Scene properties). The user can check the properties to include in a scene state. SimLab Composer and S...
VR Workbench
Main Toolbar
Main tool bar in SimLab Studio is located at the top of the application, it gives the user access to the different menus: File MenuMove Menu Create MenuGeometry MenuMaterial MenuScene States MenuVR Effects/Media MenuInteractions MenuTraining Builder MenuDyn...
File Menu
In the File Menu, the user can perform file and scene operations, including staring a new scene, save, import, export and other operations. Setting general preferences is also done here. Scene Group New/New Protected Clears the current scene, then displa...
Move Menu
Includes all Transform/Snap/Pivot Tools necessary for positioning any geometry in a 3D scene. Transform Transform functions are used for placing 3D models. Select None: will clear selection, shortcut (Esc button) Transform: Displays transform axes on the...
Create Menu
Enables the user to create different scene elements that can add value to 3D scenes. Lights Lights menu includes the supported light types in SimLab VR Studio, suitable for interior scenes. Users can add any of these light sources in addition to the light ...
Geometry Menu
Provides the user with geometry related tools, that can be used to modify imported 3D models. Break Group Break Geometry The smallest representation of geometry in SimLab VR Studio is 3D Geom, which is a geometry that has one transform and one material a...
Material Menu
Includes all the functions needed for material application, and materials management. Check this tutorial for more about material management. Scene Group Manage Scene Materials Scene Materials dialog includes the material functions shown in the image belo...
Interactions Menu
Allows users to define interactions in VR scenes. Grabbing Group Make Grabbable Makes selected object(s) grabbable in the scene. A grabbable object is an object that can be grabbed by a controller in a VR Experience or using the desktop hand and...
Automation Workbench
VR Viewer Menu
VR Viewer menu is where the user can export 3D scenes into *.vrpackage file format, and view it in either Desktop Or VR Mode. Show in Viewer SimLab VR Viewer enables users to experience rich and interactive environments in three navigation modes Desk...
VR Evaluation
VR Evaluation menu gives user access to the full VR Evaluation process which includes Creating Quizzes/SurveysDistributing VR experiences to studentsViewing Results VR Evaluation Chapter goes through the process of creating and distributing a success...
Help Menu
In this menu, the user has access to different sources of information about SimLab VR Studio. News Starting with News, where a dialog will be displayed including latest news regarding the application, and its updates. Check for Updates Check for Updates,...
Evaluation allows measuring the performance of the user by using Quizzes Surveys User Defined Evaluation To have access to the evaluation tool you need to be part of an organization, creating organization and managing users in an organization is done t...
Getting started with VR Evaluation
To create a VR Experience that includes evaluation you need to be part of an organization, which you can be invited to by any admin of the organization (each organization can have one or more admins), or you can create an organization using SimLab Admin SimLa...
Creating Quiz
Each Quiz created using Composer/VR Studio may include one or two types of questions 1- Multiple Choice Question2- Interactive Question In a Multiple Choice Question the student needs to select the correct answer from any number of choices (from 2 for true/ ...
Creating Survey
Each Survey created using Composer/VR Studio may include a mix of three types of questions: 1- Multiple Choice Question2- Interactive Question3- Star Rating In a Multiple Choice Question the student needs to select one of the available choices. In an Intera...
Creating User Defined Evaluation
In addition to using Quizzes to evaluate participants in VR, you can create your own customized evaluation criteria through the Report Response. Report is a Response in the Training Builder that can be connected to any event, and upon the occurrence of the ...
Distributing VR experiences
Distribution methods VR experiences created using Composer/VR Studio can be shared using SimLab VR Viewer, or LMS (Learning Management System) If your organization is already using an LMS, then you may want to utilize it to distribute VR Experiences, if you d...
Viewing Results
After students run VR Experiences including evaluation, teacher can use SimLab Admin to view results. To do this, the teacher starts SimLab Admin, then logs in to his account.From SimLab Admin the teacher selects the Group and Course under which the Lesson sh...
Main Window
SimLab VR Studio's Main Window is where all the work is done. The largest part of the Main Window is the 3D Area, where the user views and interacts with 3D models. The following is a sample view of SimLab VR Studio Main Window in action In addition to the...
Accompanying Applications
Simulation Workbench
The Simulation Workbench can be available and accessed based on the acquired license. If you have already purchased the corresponding license, you can find this workbench on the Workbenches Bar within SimLab Composer GUI.
VR Viewer
VR Avatars
Learn how to change your 3D Avatar and the controllers in single VR Experiences and in VR Collaboration Sessions.
SimLab VR Studio Help
Help document for SimLab VR Studio
Your First VR Experience
A quick tutorial to learn how to create your first VR experience in SimLab VR Studio.
SimLab VR Viewer for Creators
SimLab VR Viewer for Clients
SimLab VR Viewer for Students and Trainees
SimLab VR Studio Q&A
CAD/VR to Quest
Learn all the techniques for creating and sharing VR into the Oculus Quest
Simple VR Game Creation For Kids
CAD/VR to Pico
Learn all the techniques for creating and sharing VR into the Pico VR devices
VR Collaboration
SimLab Composer Help
Help document for SimLab Composer
Starting Your VR Career with SimLab VR Platform
All what you need to know about starting your VR Career. Why now is the right time? Why SimLab VR Platform is the right option for you? What is your path for starting a successful career in VR? How to take your VR Career to the next phase?
Animation Workbench
The animation workbench in SimLab Composer offers multiple tools that facilitate animating objects and cameras in the 3D scene. They provide a way to create videos and movies as well as walkthroughs.
SimLab Store
This guide will help you know all the tricks around using the VR Store for both buying and selling VR Experiences to the public.
VR Store for Demos and Presentations
Learn how you can utilize the ready-to-use VR Store Experiences in demonstrating VR capabilities in different domains and the technical aspect of how to present these VR Experiences to potential clients.
Dynamic Training Builder Nodes Manual
Learn about the functions of nodes in the dynamic training builder and how to use them.
Medical VR Guide
Learn how to acquire, access and run medical VR Experiences on different platforms successfully.
VR Evaluation
Main Toolbar
Main Window
Main Window
Main Toolbar
VR Evaluation
VR Viewing
Scene Browser
Scene Browser lists all elements in the scene and shows clear tree structure of the models, where the user can view parent/child relationships. When a parent in the Scene Browser is selected and hidden/deleted, the effect is automatically applied to all its ...