AI Agent
AI Agent Start Listen The AI Agent Start Listen node is used to make the AI start listening...
Data Types \ Number \ Operations
Add The Add response enables user to add two values by either typing in a numerical value i...
Data Types \ Number \ Variable
Set Has two options: By Value: The Set number variable response enables user ...
Data Types \ Number \ Compare
Equal (Number) The Equal (Number) response enables the user to compare two value...
Data Types \ Number \ Conversion
Number To String The Number to String node enables the user to convert a numerical value to...
User \ Controller
Attach To Hand The Attach to Hand node enables the user to attach objects to specific part...
User \ Gadget
Equip To User The Equip to User Node enables the user to equip gadgets, adjacent objects, o...
User \ Attributes \ String
Set User Attribute (String) The Grip Pressed node enables the user to detect when the VR co...
User \ Transform
Get User Rotation The Get User Rotation response enables the user to get the values of the Us...
User \ Transform
Get User Rotation The Get User Rotation response enables the user to get the values of the Us...
User \ Point To Object
Point To Object The Point To Node enables the user to be guided to the location of a specif...
Get User ID The Get User ID node is used to retrieve the unique identifier of the user in...
Execution \ Branch
Branch on Expression The Branch on Expression response enables the user to evaluate an expres...
Loop The Loop node enables the user to repeatedly execute a connected response for a spec...
Capture Picture The Capture Picture node is used to capture an image from a came...
SceneNode \ Nodes Management
Cast SceneNode The Cast SceneNode enables the user to change the type of a SceneNode by s...
SceneNode \ Transform \ Location
Get Node Location The Get Node Location response enables the user to obtain the X, Y, and Z c...
Get Cloud Attribute The Get Cloud Attribute node enables the user to retr...
Load Scene The Load Scene node is used to teleport between different scenes within your VR ...