SceneNode \ Transform \ Location
Get Node Location
The Get Node Location response enables the user to obtain the X, Y, and Z coordinates of an object's location each time the event connected to it is triggered. Once the response is executed, the coordinates can be acquired through the X, Y, and Z ports.
In this example, a Get Node Location response is used to obtain the X, Y, and Z coordinates of an object named Table once the user triggers the object named Activate. The coordinates are then stored in variables named X, Y, and Z, which can be connected to a variable writer to be displayed during the VR Experience.
Set Node Location
The Set Node Location response enables the user to set the location of an object to specific X, Y, and Z coordinates by either typing in the numerical values or by attaching a variable node to those ports. Once the response is executed, the object's new location is applied using the provided coordinates.
In this example, a Set Node Location response is used to assign the X, Y, and Z coordinates stored in variables named X, Y, and Z to an object named Pot once the user triggers the object named Activate. The object's new location is set based on these coordinates, allowing the updated position to be reflected during the VR Experience.
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