VR Evaluation
Evaluation allows measuring the performance of the user by using Quizzes Surveys User Define...
Getting started with VR Evaluation
To create a VR Experience that includes evaluation you need to be part of an organization, which ...
Creating Quiz
Each Quiz created using VR Studio may include one or two types of questions 1- Multiple Choice Q...
Creating Survey
Each Survey created using VR Studio may include a mix of three types of questions: 1- Multiple C...
Pre/Post Question Events
Training Builder is needed to determine when to start a Quiz or Survey in the scene. Starting a Q...
Creating User Defined Evaluation
In addition to using Quizzes to evaluate participants in VR, you can create your own customized e...
Distributing VR experiences
Distribution methods VR experiences created using VR Studio can be shared using SimLab VR Viewer...
Viewing Results
After students run VR Experiences including evaluation, teacher can use SimLab Admin to view resu...
Advanced xAPI LRS Settings
By default SimLab Soft will send the evaluation results into its own secured LRS, however If you ...