Main Toolbar
Main Toolbar
Main tool bar in SimLab Studio is located at the top of the application, it gives the user access...
File Menu
In the File Menu, the user can perform file and scene operations, including staring a new scene, ...
Move Menu
Includes all Transform/Snap/Pivot Tools necessary for positioning any geometry in a 3D scene. ...
Create Menu
Enables the user to create different scene elements that can add value to 3D scenes. Lights L...
Geometry Menu
Provides the user with geometry related tools, that can be used to modify imported 3D models. ...
Material Menu
Includes all the functions needed for material application, and materials management. Check this ...
Scene States Menu
Capture Enables the user to capture different configurations for the selected 3D model(s) (Obj...
VR Effects / Media Menu
This menu allows the user to add visual effects and dynamic elements to the VR Experience . It i...
Interactions Menu
Allows users to define interactions in VR scenes. Grabbing Group Make Grabbable Ma...
Training Builder Menu
Training Builder is a visual tool that allows VR Experience designers to control the logic in the...
Dynamic Builder
In template diagrams, a user was able to define logic for a group of objects based on name, or at...
VR Catalog Menu
Generate Catalog With this feature, users can insert ready models into the scene such as table...
VR Viewer Menu
VR Viewer menu is where the user can export 3D scenes into *.vrpackage file format, and view it i...
VR Evaluation
VR Evaluation menu gives user access to the full VR Evaluation process which includes Creating...
Help Menu
In this menu, the user has access to different sources of information about SimLab VR Studio. ...