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SimLab Composer Help

Since the foundation of Simlab Soft, our mission has been clearly defined as developing state-of-the-art 3D software that is affordable, fun, and easy to use. This led to the development of SimLab Composer (SLC) with the vision of enabling Interactive VR. S...

Quick Access Toolbar

SimLab Composer Help Main Window

When 3D geometry is selected in the 3D area, the Quick Access Toolbar will appear, with a set of handy functions, Quick Access Toolbar will appear close to the selected geometry.  These options includeTranslate: to show draggers needed to move the objectSnap ...

Material Menu

SimLab Composer Help Main Toolbar

Includes all the functions needed for material application, and materials management. Check this tutorial for more about material management. Scene Group Manage Scene Materials Scene Materials dialog includes the material functions shown in the image belo...

Geometry Menu

SimLab Composer Help Main Toolbar

Provides the user with geometry-related tools, that can be used to modify imported 3D models.  Break Group Break Geometry The smallest representation of geometry in SimLab Composer is 3D Geom, which is a geometry that has one transform and one material ap...

Create Menu

SimLab Composer Help Main Toolbar

Enables the user to create different scene elements that can add value to 3D scenes. Lights The lights menu includes the supported light types in SimLab Composer, suitable for interior scenes. Users can add any of these light sources in addition to the lig...

Move Menu

SimLab Composer Help Main Toolbar

Includes all Transform/Snap/Pivot Tools necessary for positioning any geometry in a 3D scene. Transform Transform functions are used for placing 3D models. Select None; will clear selection, shortcut (Esc button) Transform; displays transform axes on the...

File Menu

SimLab Composer Help Main Toolbar

In the File Menu, the user can perform file and scene operations, including starting a new scene, save, import, export, and other operations. Setting general preferences is also done here.  Scene New/New Protected Clears the current scene, then displays W...

Main Toolbar

SimLab Composer Help Main Toolbar

The main toolbar in SimLab Composer is located at the top of the application giving the user access to the different menus. File MenuMove Menu Create MenuGeometry MenuMaterial MenuScene States MenuRender MenuBacking Menu360 Image MenuVR Effects/Media MenuIn...

Active Camera

SimLab Composer Help Main Window

Select Active Camera: Selects the currently active camera in the scene, and show its properties, to make it easy to adjust those properties.  Capture Camera Snapshot: Saves the current camera view, and generates a new image below this button. Clicking the s...

Common Toolbar

SimLab Composer Help Main Window

Common Toolbar is located in the lower part of the 3D Area on top of the Library, it is always accessible to the user and it includes the following Select Object The Default Pick mode in SimLab Composer returns the location and the normal direction at the ...

Main Window

SimLab Composer Help Main Window

SimLab Composer interface is organized into workbenches.  Upon selecting a workbench the allocated tools in that workbench will appear, and the interface will be changed to display the defaults of that selected workbench. There are several elements that p...

Scene States Library

SimLab Composer Help Main Window

Scene States enable the user to capture different configurations for the selected 3D model(s), or for the whole scene. To view what is selected in the scene state, make sure nothing is selected in the scene, then click on a scene state in the Scene State Libr...

Sequence Library

SimLab Composer Help Main Window

Sequence Library shows a list of all sequences in the scene. Sequence Preview To preview a sequence without converting it into animation, the user can highlight the animation icon part of the sequence, which will be converted into a play icon, clicking the...

Animation Time Line

SimLab Composer Help Main Window

SimLab Composer is able to Import Rigid and flexible (Joints-based rigged) bodies animations as well as create animation for objects in the animation timeline through several tools. To access the Animation timeline, open the Animation Tab in the library panel...

Material Library

SimLab Composer Help Main Window

Default Material Library can be downloaded by selecting the Material tab in the Library, and clicking Download Materials Library.  After installing the library the user can select the material group To assign a material to an object in the scene just dra...

Assets Library

SimLab Composer Help Main Window

The libraries tab has assets categorized into groups: 3D Models, 3D Scenes, Sketchfab, VR Warehouse, Backgrounds, Scripts, HDR, Lighting Settings, Sounds, and SimLab Academy. 3D Models The 3D Models category provides the user with stock 3D models to compos...


SimLab Composer Help Main Window

This library grants the user access to a rich source of elements available in SimLab Composer. Elements, such as 3D models, background images, and render settings. The user can add to the different element in this library through the Manage Library button. ...

Properties Panel

SimLab Composer Help Main Window

When selecting an object or entity in the scene the Properties Panel appears on the right side of the application showing its properties. Objects are shown in the Scene Browser, they are part of the model tree in the Scene Browser. An object can be selected b...

Scene Browser

SimLab Composer Help Main Window

Scene Browser lists all elements in the scene and shows a clear tree structure of the models, where the user can view parent/child relationships. When a parent in the Scene Browser is selected and hidden/deleted, the effect is automatically applied to all its...

Scene States Menu

SimLab Composer Help Main Toolbar

Capture Enables the user to capture different configurations for the selected 3D model(s) (Selection option), or for the whole scene (Scene option).  SimLab Composer’s Scene States are smart in capturing attributes; they can include any combination of the ...