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205 total results found
Object Menu
Functions in this menu assist the user in creating common object animation quickly and efficiently. Object Animation Group Capture Keyframe Creates a keyframe at the location in the timeline, for the selected object. If no object is selected a message wil...
This tool is used for evaluating/surveying users in quizzes/surveys. Clicking Administrator from the VR Evaluation menu will open the Login dialog below. To have access to the evaluation tool the user needs to be part of an organization, creating an organ...
Alternative Free Avatar Source (Ready Player Me)
In addition to the Avatars available in SimLab VR Viewer or the ones you can generate in SimLab Composer or SimLab VR Studio, you can add your own avatars and hands and use them in VR Experiences and VR Collaboration Sessions. "Ready Player Me" Avatars R...
Changing Hands
VR Controllers in SimLab VR Viewer can be changed to different objects/tools or hands/gloves with a set of animation for grabbing and interacting with objects. To change the default controllers in VR mode of SimLab VR Viewer, Log in to your Si...
Changing 3D Avatar
What are 3D Avatars? 3D Avatars are the Visual representation of participants in VR Collaboration Sessions, they are used to drastically increase the level of immersion in a VR Experience. Changing the 3D Avatars ...
System Requirements
Hardware and software requirements for installing SimLab Composer are as follows: PC: Intel or AMD processor Any graphics card with 1 GB or more (either dedicated or shared) 4 GB of RAM or more 4 GB of free hard disk space Monitor resolution of 1440 X ...
Orientation Cube
This cube can be used to orbit the 3D model or view the scene from different positions. Click on the faces of the cube to access standard orthographic views.
Message Area
Some functions in SimLab Composer require the user to make some kind of action/selection. In this area of the application interface, messages will be displayed to inform the user of the required action.
Keyboard Shortcuts
Function Shortcut Create New Scene [Ctrl] + [N] Open Scene [Ctrl] + [O] Save Scene [Ctrl] + [S] Pack The Scene [Ctrl] + [P] Import Geometry [Ctrl] + [I] Export [Ctrl] + [E] Exit [Ctrl] + [Q] Undo [Ctrl] + ...
SimLab WebGL Starter
To learn more about this tool visit this page, and for running WebGL locally refer to this article.
Simulation Toolbar
SimLab Composer can be used to model the behavior of objects in 3-D space. Using its powerful physics engine allows simulation of the way bodies of many types are affected by a variety of physical stimuli, provided to simulate physical systems such as Rigid ...
SimLab CADVRter
It's a standalone tool included with SimLab Composer Mechanical and Ultimate Editions. It is an application created to convert any supported file format individually (single file at a time) or collectively (multiple files at a time) to any supported file f...
Visual Scripting
Visual Scripting in SimLab Composer is a tool created to minimize the programming effort for non-technical users with no coding skills. Therefore, instead of writing the computer code in a text editor, the Visual Scripting tool allows the user to develop her\h...
SimLab Composer allows using Python, and Java Scripts to automate processes, both scripts automation is supported in two modes: Command line (for batch processing for a large number of files). This includes command line without scripting using -ie c...
Interactive Menu
Simulation mode is developed for real-time Interactive Simulation. The new version of SimLab Composer takes Simulation to the next level, interactive simulation was added to allow the user to control machines using a Keyboard, or a Joystick. Designed to work ...
Simulation Menu
After defining the required solids and their relationships using joints, forces, and torques, the model is ready to perform the simulation and see the results. This can be done in the Simulation menu where the simulation is controlled and executed. Star...
Links Menu
In simulation, the behavior of a solid is governed by two things, the first is the total external forces affecting it, and the second is the link that defines the relationship between it and another different solid that acts as a constraint that is enforced by...
Simulation Trees
There are three kinds of tree views in the Simulation Workspace: Geometries and Solids Trees Both Trees show a hierarchical outline view of geometries and solids existing in the scene. Each geometry/solid branch or node can have a number of subitems, th...
Solids Menu
To create a simulation the first step is to convert the 3D design to solid parts that can be physically simulated. This can be done either manually by selecting the parts and converting them to solids, or by clicking on Auto Detect Solids which will automatica...
Setting up your own Avatars and hands
3D Avatars SimLab VR Viewer can use Avatar created from sources other than Ready Player Me, as long as they follow a certain simple criteria, which is as follows: 1- The Avatar Model must have a Joint named "Head" that controls the rotation of the Head i...