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210 total results found
Help Menu
In this menu, the user has access to different sources of information about SimLab Composer. News Starting with News, where a dialog will be displayed including latest news regarding the application, and its updates. Check for Updates Check for Updates, ...
Evaluation allows measuring the performance of the user by using Quizzes Surveys User Defined Evaluation To have access to the evaluation tool you need to be part of an organization, creating organization and managing users in an organization is done t...
Getting started with VR Evaluation
To create a VR Experience that includes evaluation you need to be part of an organization, which you can be invited to by any admin of the organization (each organization can have one or more admins), or you can create an organization using SimLab Admin SimLa...
Creating Quiz
Each Quiz created using Composer/VR Studio may include one or two types of questions 1- Multiple Choice Question2- Interactive Question In a Multiple Choice Question the student needs to select the correct answer from any number of choices (from 2 for true/ ...
Creating Survey
Each Survey created using Composer/VR Studio may include a mix of three types of questions: 1- Multiple Choice Question2- Interactive Question3- Star Rating In a Multiple Choice Question the student needs to select one of the available choices. In an Intera...
Pre/Post Question Events
Training Builder is needed to determine when to start a Quiz or Survey in the scene. Starting a Quiz and Survey can take place after the student learned new material, or even at the start of the scene if this is simply a Quiz VR Experience. This is not the on...
Creating User Defined Evaluation
In addition to using Quizzes to evaluate participants in VR, you can create your own customized evaluation criteria through the Report Response. Report is a Response in the Training Builder that can be connected to any event, and upon the occurrence of the ...
Distributing VR experiences
Distribution methods VR experiences created using Composer/VR Studio can be shared using SimLab VR Viewer, or LMS (Learning Management System) If your organization is already using an LMS, then you may want to utilize it to distribute VR Experiences, if you d...
Viewing Results
After students run VR Experiences including evaluation, teacher can use SimLab Admin to view results. To do this, the teacher starts SimLab Admin, then logs in to his account.From SimLab Admin the teacher selects the Group and Course under which the Lesson sh...
Advanced xAPI LRS Settings
By default SimLab Soft will send the evaluation results into its own secured LRS, however If you have a setup of your own LRS with your LMS, you can configure your experiences to send the results into your own LRS. How to send results into your own LRS: ...